there are many big changes going on behind the scenes here, which have forced my time and attention away from this little blog space. if you'll allow me to be mysterious for a bit, i promise that i'll share what all the excitement is about soon. but as a result of said mysterious changes, i feel myself being pulled away from regular blogging these days (just in case you haven't already noticed). this blog has been a wonderful outlet for me over these months of early mothering, and i am so grateful for all the other blogging mamas that i have met and discovered in this blogging world. i expect to return here periodically, and maybe will come to a point of regular posting again...we shall see!
until then, i wanted to share something fun with you. my friend jorg and i recently did a little swap - he is a fantastic photographer and offered to take photos for my business use that he could also use for his business. he does a lot of photography for children's businesses and needed some baby shots. so guess who the model was! my little one held up fairly well, being that it was her first photo shoot. the most challenging part was keeping her looking at jorg, who was mostly sitting right at her level, yet at the same time keeping her away from diving onto him, or more specifically, the camera - a most intriguing item. that, and after the third costume change, keeping her happy with lots of graham crackers.
here are a few of the results...