as my baby girl's first birthday approaches, i have found myself sucked into hours of perusing the internet for toy ideas for her.
as i've mentioned before, i put a lot of thought into toys, thanks in part to my montessori background. but like most moms, i simply have a desire to provide quality, safe, developmentally-appropriate toys for my child. the challenge is finding such toys! the toys that can be found in the typical chain store tend to be much too plastic-y, electronic-y, and made in china-y for my taste (though i admit, you can sometimes find some hidden gems). smaller, independent shops, which i would rather support anyway, offer some more unique options, though usually only a small selection. thankfully the internet offers many wonderful online shops, such as
nova naturals,
willow tree,
rosie hippo, and many indpendent toy makers on
etsy. but even with these wonderful resources, we still face one challenge: becoming overwhelmed. what does my child really
this is one reason why i love reading blogs...they can be a fantastic way to get some non-biased, seasoned advice. i have gleaned some great tips and ideas from other blogging mamas, and in return, i'd like to offer a list of some toys that my little one has gotten lots of fun, meaningful, good use out of during her first year of life...
{haba pipapo}
{manhattan toy put & peek doghouse}
{under the nile veggies}
{plan toys shape & sort it out box}
{lamaze mortimer the moose}
{baby einstein baby's photo book}
{sensory balls}
{madame alexander huggums baby doll}
{cookie dough pull toy}
{wee baby art cards}my list of book recommendations really needs to be saved for a separate post...but i have included these two here:
{old macdonald finger puppet book}
{dotty dog stroller book}and finally...yes, it's fisher price, yes it's plastic and electronic, yes it's probably made in china...but what can i say, my little girl loves it...
{fisher price fun-2-learn cell phone}of course, a cabinet chock full of dishware and cookware; a cardboard box; any book (including mom and dad's magazines and novels); a door; and our dog trumps all these toys put together!
i'd love to hear what toys you would recommend, either for the first or second year...or beyond!
1 comment:
hey erin! i enjoyed reading your post and was thinking about one toy that E has and loves. check out these stacking rings by Grimm's Spiel und Holz: it's a beautiful all wood toy, the colors are so vibrant. E uses it a LOT since she received it around the 1 year mark. i will say, E was fond of carrying it around by the center peg (with the rings on it - clearly not an intended purpose but i'm sure she's not the first) and as such it came apart from the base a few times. though emailing the manufacturer about it has not yielded any results, darling dada has glued it back a few times, the most recent one seeming to do the trick. if this hadn't worked i was going to contact, where the grandparents ordered this as a gift for the little one.
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