my baby girl olivia irene
on this day when you are turning 10 months old
(which your mama can't believe)
here are 10 things you are loving right now...
{1} cheese. given a selection of delectable food items on your tray, you always gobble down all the cheese first. you are your mama's baby.
{2} pointing at and attempting to say (some verson of) dada, mama, dog, woof, ball, and baby.
{3} pointing at everything else and pronouncing, "ah-da!"
{4} giving kisses. with mouth wide open.
{5} your doggie, who now may finally love you too, even if it is solely based on the fact that you are now a (messy) finger food eater.
{6} going for walks. except when the sun is in your eyes. you hate that.
{7} music - any and all. and dancing. you already have much better rhythm than either of your parents!
{8} exploring the corners of your home, moving at warp speed on all fours from room to room, pulling up to stand on ev-er-y-thing...all accompanied with squeals of excitement.
{9} waving hi and bye, miss america-style. you love new people, and new places too. your travel-addicted parents say...phew!
{10} every speck of dirt found, every book opened, every game of peekaboo love life itself and you continually reintroduce your mama and papa to all its small thrills and wonders.
i love you, my baby girl!
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